Contributers and accosiates
Those willing to realize an idea will have to find good partners and honest feedback. This will be cruisial to find the best solutions, keep up the good motivation and hopefully succeed in the end.
We had many important companies and private persons helping us. They deserve a huge THANK YOU! Without you it would have been difficult and perhaps impossible to make it happen. It will still be a continous prosess to adjust and improve. Feedback and good advice as we go are implemented to give you a better and safer experience.
Some of the external advicors should be mentioned. "Hopp Id" office Nordveggen at Åndalsnes has been a part of it from the start. Rauma municipality has given support and permissions. Innovation Norway has given economic support and mentors. Statens Jernbanetilsyn (Government Railway supervision) has approved the Adventure Park according to the Norwegian Standard of climbingparks. "Fantastiske Osberget" have made advertising materiel and webside.
Ville Verma have guides trained for the job in the Adventure Park. At the moment we have 6 guides who all are availible in the summerseason. They are all well qualified. An ordinary group that are beeing guided will have 1-2 guides following at all time. Groupsize and type of activities will decide the number of guides at work.